I was in my local western store the other day and as I was checking out at the counter, I spotted a pair of boots with a piece of jewelry on them! Now maybe I’m a little late at this, but I thought that was the COOLEST THING I had ever seen! I mean, why […]
I saw these cute Knitted Headwraps while I was out shopping with my mom. I felt like these would be the perfect gift for someone who loved hats, or loved headbands, ……….or loved things touching there heads. SO, I decided to buy them…. for myself. I guess at some point, I will have to start […]
I haven’t found many people out there who don’t love a good Roast Chicken. I have tried it myself by cooking the whole thing (Thanksgiving Style), just sitting in the pan. Maybe doctured up with some butter and salt and pepper. Nothing too great. I may have even tried to add some type of citrus to […]
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